vary slightly

美 [ˈveri ˈslaɪtli]英 [ˈveəri ˈslaɪtli]
  • 有轻微差别(或变化)
vary slightlyvary slightly
  1. Many of these data points vary slightly from year to year .


  2. Problems vary slightly from one situation to the next .


  3. The roles definition can vary slightly from organization to organization .


  4. The actual ratio of space saved can vary slightly .


  5. Mileage may vary slightly , but success is almost always guaranteed .


  6. The scale can vary slightly , depending on the manufacturer .


  7. Both methods provide the same level of information , though the layout and presentation vary slightly .


  8. This means the date of Ramadan will vary slightly each year ;


  9. Please be advised that visa application requirements may vary slightly between consular posts .


  10. Nowadays there are plenty of brands and they vary slightly in taste .


  11. These numbers vary slightly by exam .


  12. Colours shown may vary slightly from the actual colour due to screen calibration . displaying electric field value with different color ;


  13. Proteins are dynamic molecules , which means that their tertiary structures may vary slightly , for example depending on their environment .


  14. Reference is to lesson and section rather than to page number ( because the latter may vary slightly according to file-format ) .


  15. Rated speeds may vary slightly depending o ­ n the benchmark used , drivers , windows version , bios version and file size .


  16. Some minerals , particularly those that have a more complex mixture of atoms , vary slightly in their properties , depending on their precise composition .


  17. However , each distribution 's definition of core could vary slightly , which means that regression testing is always necessary when claiming your application is supported on a given distribution .


  18. When stress is developed in a material , the ultrasonic wave velocity through it will vary slightly . This principle is useful especially in measuring axial stress in bolts .


  19. Our Army 's Three Main Rules of Discipline and Eight Points for Attention have been practiced for many years , but their contents vary slightly in army units in different areas .


  20. The results showed that the yields did not vary slightly with different transplanting methods , the mechanized planting could ensure stable yield and would not decrease yield under the same conditions .


  21. The favorite foods of Canadians vary slightly from region to region , and are strongly influenced by their family heritage , especially in relation to holiday celebrations .


  22. Spellings vary slightly , but the general notions of quantification , alternation , and sequencing exist in all EBNF-style language grammars .


  23. As everyone who has ever visited a convention knows , if you ask one person you 'll sometimes hear one answer , and when you ask another the answer may vary slightly .


  24. Once thought to be identical in all forms of life , the genetic code has been found to vary slightly in certain organisms and in the mitochondria of some eukaryotes .


  25. Polysaccharides samples almost contain hydroxyl , carboxyl , acetamido , sulfuric acid base and the methyl of fucose . Among these different polysaccharides , sulfuric acid based replace site vary slightly .


  26. In addition , it is also to be found that the strike directions of two rupture zones might vary slightly analyzing initial motion of P wave , coinciding with the relocated results of aftershock zones .


  27. This geologic feature , among others mountains , valleys , ridges , trenches and such distributes mass unevenly about the planet 's surface , thereby making the pull of gravity vary slightly .


  28. The results of the study show that : the response effect of chrysanthemum leaves ' plant height , stem diameter , leaf water content and the chlorophyll content to NPK fertilizers is NPK , but their demand vary slightly .


  29. If you do need more , sometimes fixing this problem is as simple as using your favorite package-management tool ( such as apt-get or yum ) to get the PHP CLI package . ( The names may vary slightly . )


  30. Definition lists vary only slightly from other types of lists in that list items consist of two parts : a term and a description .
